This article deals with the overall development strategy of foreign language teaching methodology. Regardless of what is taught in the school, professionals face a number of challenges that are common to all languages. Among these problems are:
1) The attitude of the state and society towards the language learning process, in other words the demand of a particular language;
2) Development of methodology (techniques) of language teaching;
3) Learning from best practices from other countries gained in foreign language teaching;
4) Determination of innovative approaches and technology used utilized in the process of teaching a language.
Therefore, in this paper we consider the overall strategy of optimizing the process of language teaching.
Gabdulhakov F.A. professor, Gabdulhakova R.F., senior lecturer
Namangan State University, Uzbekistan
During last two decades the question of foreign language teaching received a closer attention in Uzbekistan. It is evidenced by the adoption of the National Programme for Personnel Training and a number of subsequent documents that have created favorable conditions for the development of methods in language teaching. Resolution “On measures for further improvement of the study of foreign languages” has been adopted just recently. According to the new document, the study of foreign languages, mainly English, gradually will start in elementary schools in the form of gaming lessons and lessons in speaking in the first grade, and in the form of learning the alphabet, reading and spelling in the second grade. In future, teaching special subjects in universities, especially in engineering and international specializations, will be conducted in foreign languages.
At the current stage of societal development, it is important for academia to educate the personality of a student aiming at the maximum of his/her educational potential opened to the perception of new experience, capable of informed and responsible choices in different life situations. In order to raise such an individual, first of all, it is necessary to teach students to solve certain communication problems in different areas and situations with different linguistic means, i.e. form their communicative competence. Educated in such conditions one should ultimately reach the level defined as the level of the "linguistic personality”.
As a result of the transformation taking place in the Republic of Uzbekistan, the process of language teaching today can evolve to meet the needs of people and gain more tangible practical and communicative orientation. Preparation of a person to communicate in target foreign languages is equivalent today to preparation for intercultural dialogue.
Such a situation can be generally noted as a positive development because it indicates an increase in people's interest in foreign languages. On the other hand, society itself is interested in such university graduates who could be recognized by the international community. Accordingly, the practice of language teaching should respond to this situation and to work out best solutions to emerging problems.
The process of foreign language teaching takes place in different ways in different countries. Within the post-Soviet area, this process has its own specific characteristics. In particular, the main problem of foreign language teaching is the lack of rhetoric classes in schools and colleges in several countries. This approach to language learning and teaching has developed due to the abolition of rhetoric classes in Russian schools in the late nineteenth century. From ancient times, the teaching of the native language was conducted simultaneously in two directions – education of rhetoric skills and the study of the theoretical foundations of the language. In the twentieth century methods of foreign language teaching in schools were based on techniques of teaching of the native (Russian) language in Russian schools. This fact has led to a tangible difference in the approaches to the problems of language teaching in our country and in other European countries. This was proved with the excessive grammatical focus of the process of foreign language teaching in our methodology. This situation, no doubt, was reflected in the practice of foreign language teaching, since for a long time foreign language teaching copied main rules of native language teaching. In the end it appeared that many graduates, having a large amount of theoretical knowledge, were helpless in communicating in studied language. It continued until the end of the twentieth century.
Currently perspective directions of development of foreign language teaching methods are communication skills and implementation of innovative technologies, humanization of the educational process.
Optimization of the process of foreign language teaching involves the development of certain areas of methodical science. These are:
— to explore the possibility of increasing the practical orientation of lessons and achieve the situation in which the goals of lessons are planned in the form of practical tasks;
— to identify ways to strengthen communicative orientation of lessons. To do this, it is important to use interactive teaching methods;
— to include the creativity in the process of language teaching, which takes the form of co-operation of teacher and student. To do this, it is necessary to introduce the idea of "pedagogical communication" in classes;
— to increasingly rely on new information and communication methodologies, which involves the use of modern equipment and facilities;
— to expand the idea of developmental education through the establishment of appropriate training texts and the use of modern and up to date information in the content of exercises performed in class;
— to use of the differentiated learning tasks and widely implement the principle of personality-oriented approach;
— to develop students' speaking skills initiative, which corresponds to the principle of humane learning.
The main purpose of teaching foreign languages in the curriculum is defined as "education of students to communicate fluently in the target language." To obtain such a result it is necessary to take care of the formation and development of communication skills of students, focusing on the achievements of modern methodical developments.
A promising orientation in the development of the direction in communicative methodology of foreign language teaching is text centrism. In the methodology for foreign language teaching, which has the aim of linguistic personality formation, it is necessary to introduce an organic component aimed at developing students’ skills of perception of the text, work with the text, and the text formation.
Significant changes are taking place in the methodology of foreign language teaching. From this point of view the identification of new ways in developing the technique of language teaching becomes an important problem of modern methodical science.
We believe that the development path of methodical science requires deep analysis and reflection. Special attention should be given to the question of incorporation of the effective, constructive and rational innovative teaching techniques in the process of education. It should be noted that there is a gap in the literature devoted to this subject.
Innovations in foreign language teaching can be associated with changes not only in the objectives, content, methods and techniques, forms of organization and management system, but also in the styles of teaching activities and the organization of educational and informative processes.
Based on the understanding of the process, we identify innovationsin techniques, tools, and methodology of foreign language teaching.
Consequently, the identification of the best ways to implement the innovative practices in the process of education becomes one of the urgent problems of modern methodology. Consideration of the above mentioned issues in the organization of the process of foreign language teaching satisfies demands of people as well as general social needs. Successful solutions to these problems can lead to the optimization of the process and increase of its effectiveness.
Language policy in Uzbekistan is a reflection of the needs of society and the desire of the population to learn foreign languages.
Methods of teaching foreign languages as the science will continue to develop in the future with the flux of technology and demands of time. The methodology of teaching languages as science, is connected with the needs of society and the process of integration that occurs in the global world of science.
Optimization of the process of language teaching to some extent depends on the integration efforts of professionals working in the field of teaching different foreign languages, including the Russian language.
The successful development of methods of teaching foreign languages is connected, on the one hand, with the research and study of language teaching techniques and experiences in other countries, and on the other — with the encouragement and support of innovative research in within the country.
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5. Farberman B. L. Modern Pedagogical Techniques. Tashkent, 2000.
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